Saturday, December 20, 2008
Okay.. didn't blog yesterday basically I was too whacked out and tired.. so yeah.
Yesterday was the day where ALL sec4 NA and NT students collect their `N Nevel results. I was feeling pretty normal and slack the day before and early morning that day.But when I reached the hall, Mrs Tan told me I have overdue school bills and will not be shown results. -___- So first thing that came into my mind was "OMG WTH?!" But whatever, I made a trip down to General Office to talk with the teachers in charge of the bills or something like that.I paid a $5 since it was all I could afford and they allowed me to talk the results.. thank god.
Was feeling more tensed up as more people are slowly collecting their results.. When it's my turn.. Like most people I was very excited and nervous. But was really glad when I know about my results. Anyway , my results are...
English Language Syll A : B4
Combined Humanities : A2 ( cannot believe right?? Same here)
Mathematics Syll A : A2
Science(PHY/CHEM) : B3
Art : A1 ( THANKS MDM FAZ!!) :)
Anyway, We made Mdm Fazidah proud this year. We attained 100% passes for Art in N level. :) Congrats KOH YUZHUANG FOR BEING OUR SCHOOL'S TOP STUDENT!! :)
So in short, my results are..
L1B3: 5
ELMAB3 : 12
I will be going to Sec5 and take O level next year.. So gotta work hard.
After collect our results, we got around 11 people at night going to Seoul Garden at Tampines to celebrate and we basically had lots of fun lol. Went to a nearby lan shop and play CS for an hour before going home.
Well that's all for yesterday.. As for today! It's M.A.G.E's 2nd annivesary (If I remember correctly..) I woke up late and Eric came over to my house 1st.. so we were late in short lol. Went over for a party and chatted with the other guys there. Went to Kobayashi for a light dinner at around 8pm and I went back to M.A.G.E to read Eyeshield 21 till book 23.. Waiting for next release. :)
So yeah.. that's all. I blog some more on important events lol.
Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing much happened today , But I am gonna blog anyway.
Went to M.A.G.E around 5pm and read some EyeShield21 to catch up with the volumes.. And Bern told me the album I ordered came in.. Guess which album?
Big Bang Vol 2 : Remember :D
Anyway, here's a list of tracks included and the album cover.

01 Intro - 모두 다 소리쳐
02 오,아,오
03 붉은 노을
04 반짝반짝
05 Strong Baby (승리 Solo)
06 Wonderful
07 멍청한 사랑
08 하루하루 (Acoustic ver.)
09 거짓말 (Remix)
10 마지막 인사 (Remix)
11 Remember.
Pretty worth it.. I think there's a bookmark along with it.. (I think it's a bookmark at least. ;P) Anyway, It costed around $24.. so definetely worth the price.
Oh.. give me a message on msn if you want the songs.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
wazahh!! Okay! So basically today is a "advanced" celebration for Jackson! So..yeah. We gathered like... 8~12 people? Can't remember.. not much, but it's still fun. :) We met at Tampines and watched the movie "City of Ember" at 3:30pm. The show ended at about 5pm? Or less.. didn't notice the time. It's a good show anyway, relates stuff about civilization.. mankind.. and stuffs. Pretty awesome movie.. don't think it's a waste of money. I rate it 8/10 personally. :D
We went to Tampines Safra(?) and play some Pool there.. waste time till at about 8:45pm before going to have dinner at Tampines 800+. Had Fish 'N Chips for dinner.. Pretty worth it. :) Walked all the way to Tampines Interchange after that. On the way there we took some random pictures infront of a random Playground(?!).After that I took Bus38 home.
Thoughts In My Mind: I couldn't feel more fucked up right now. Sore throat+fever+Flu?!?! FUCKKK. Seriously sucks man.. My voice change until like dunno what the hell.. Hopefully I can heal soon.ON A SIDE NOTE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON!! YOU ARE IN THE LEAGUE OF 16. :O (IN ADVANCE)