Tuesday, November 25, 2008
hmm , I didn't blog 2 days back for the last day of AFA.. Reason because I am too lazy lol.
Anyway.. AFA day 2 is seriously like Day 1 except I bought the neko hat and more CGI posters. And a Infinite Justice Gundam figurine for my brother. There's more events on day 2 .. However we didn't really get a good look at the cosplay event and May'N concert because there's just too MUCH freaking people.. seriously >_> For more pictures , head to Qisheng , Howard or Eric's blog ! So yeah. :P I didn't take pictures on that day as well. On a side note, May'N is really good live.. seriously! I downloaded some of her songs and hear them after the concert.. They are nothing like live. She's alot better at live, very strong voice. :P Althought she's a new singer .. I believe she will be famous in no time with that voice of hers. :)
That's about all now.. Nothing much. :S
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Today's the big day I guess? :P Finally the day everyone's expecting , ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA! Or AFA in short.. ( I can't remember what the intial stands for.. but it's just a random guess. :P). We woke up early in the morning around 7:30am for me.. and met each other at 8:30am.. Total amount of 5 people went which includes Me , Eric , Howard , Qisheng and Wendy, who is Eric's younger sister.
The first that caught our eyes is... THE UBER HUGE AMOUNT OF CROWD! We came early yet the amount of crowd is still scary. >_> We thought that's bad.. But when time goes by.. the number of crowd is well... just unimaginable lol.. Anyway , after 30mins~1 hour of waiting. We finally got our tickets and went in.. The first thing we saw when we went in were the awesome amount of gundams. :P And lots and lots of figurines.. The figurines on sale there were really REALLY cheap.. dirt cheap. :P Anyway.. I didn't buy much. :P Because I only brought like S$50. >_> There will be pictures later on what I buy and stuffs. Mostly posters and pictures though. :) There will also a picture of how my current wall looks like. :)
Regardless, what caught our eye wasn't only the merchandise of course! How can the Cosplay-ers be left out on an anime event?! So yeah, lots of awesome Cosplays around.. and some.. not so awesome ones. :P We will skip that. XD Anyway , sad for QiSheng who can't find his C2 !! He wanted to take a picture with her lol.. And it's a cosplay-er not anime of sorts lol.
Before going home , I suggested buying the neko hat from a certain stall.. Unfortunately.. I don't have enough tho.. So Eric bought it instead.. And I wore it on the way back LOL. People were like keep looking at me can -___- Damn awkward.. but funny hahahaha. So who cares , as long as I enjoyed. :P
I didn't take much pictures.. but yeah. If you want some check out Eric/Howard/Qisheng's blog. :) I bet they took more then I did.


Friday, November 21, 2008
hmm , didn't blogged yesterday basically because I am too lazy to.(yes, I am an asshole lol.) Okay whatever.. What we did yesterday is bascically the three of us (Me, Howard, Eric) headed down to Coffee Club at T3 for interview and filling in the application form. Basically only me and Eric handed in because Howard is already processing a few days back. However.. only me and Eric were briefed about work hours .. clothes and stuffs.. So yeah. :P
To be honest.. the place is kindda slack and quiet because it's located at the end of the newely open Terminal 3 at Changi Airport.. So yeah.. I guess it's pretty good pay since the pay is also $0.20 higher then other Coffee Club shops.(For eg; Whitesands) When being briefed.. we was also asked if we would mind working at Whitesand's outlet instead. But we insisted on T3. :P We also later found out that we get another extra S$10 including the usual S5.20/h for the midnight shift. But I am not gonna go for it. :P Eric and Howard both is excited about it tho.. For the extra 10 bucks. :P
So.. that's about 20th November 2008.
For today , 21st November 2008. I went to the School's Openhouse in the morning around 9~10pm.. I can't really remember what time I arrive either. >_> I saw Jackson and Yuzhuang and some other Art Room mates as well. :) So.. The art booth this year is basically about making "henna" for others. I was the "innocent" "guiena pig" for Jackson and Yuzhuang to try on. -____- Ass. But it's okay though.. Since eveyone enjoy it and all. :) Closed the booth around 4pm and went to Art room.. We were chatting about FnB industry stuffs and all. We were definetely shock at how delifrance treat their food now! XD Never eat there.. For me at least. >:3 Anyway, we took a group photo.. 2 normal and 2 with funny faces LOL. I did a super ugly one on the 2nd. XD Fun though.. what matters is we enjoyed it. We parted ways when we left the school gate.. Me and Yuzhuang shopped around to waste time and we sat and eat cupcorn while talking about works and stuffs.. Kai liang came along and we started chatting with him also lol. After that we went home after an hour or so of chatting. :P
Thoughts in my Mind: Okay.. you might notice some difference as I was using "Express My Thoughts" before.. But Howard told me to change because I copied his and he's using it.. So.. whatever. Onto topic.
I really really really feel that we could continue being in the past.. Staying in the Art Room and doing our stuffs.. We might be under pressure from all the Art Projects deadline and all.. But we are definetely enjoying ourself.. Every single minute of it. Although everything is over.. We feel relax of course.. But a few weeks/months. We would definetely rather be in the Art Room doing some works.. Or at least I do. >_> I know next year will never be the same again.. Be it going to Secondary 5 or ITE. I just know it.. Even if I did manage to go Sec5. What about it? I don't think there's any fun except pressure and more pressure.. I know it's only right to be under pressure since it's the `O levels. But Art Room will never be the same.. >_> I believe many other students including me will be sad since Mdm Faz might not be teaching us anymore next year.. The Express and Sec5 N/A would be graduating as well. And we would be seeing new faces in the Art Room from Sec3N/A. Who knows what would happen next year? Maybe we will clash? Well , who cares about that. :P But I guess Mdm Faz retiring from teaching is a good thing though.. Since she' would be able to rest her body from all that workload.. Everyone knows she's sick.. She just doesn't admits it. >_> I just wanna dedicate this post and specially thank Mdm Fazidah for being a wonderful,awesome and caring teacher. I believe many others will miss her other then me. Once again.. THANKS FOR BEING A WONDERFUL AND CARING TEACHER. >:) On a side note.. I found out a new style for making signatures and I am totally gonna use it for more jap goth rock artist. :P Here's something I made below using that tutorial! And I needs more money to get lots of stuffs ! Hats, Black pants, etc and etc.. too much damn stuff. GAHHHHHH I hope the interview goes well :\
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Last night.. I had a weird dream. Weird.. but sweet.
I have no idea why would I dream of her again though. >_> I was almost certain we wouldn't meet again since a few years back.. and yet I saw her again through my dream. :\ I was almost certain I would forget about her.. But a few weeks back I saw someone who looked like her.. but it's definetely not her because of their age difference.>_> Fate's at play .. just when I thought I could have forgotten. The irony of all.
Anyway, Enough of that. I noticed I have only blogged about Eric and QiSheng's birthday. So Howard , you are discriminated you ass ! lol , joking. But seriously , I haven't even blog about my own birthday. :P Assuming I will be back to blogging .. I changed my skin and my link to the blog. The skins is made by a girl.. who twits alot.. And I had to frigging change almost all text so there's no twitting. If you find out there's still twits some where and you think I am girly. You can go f**k yourself.. xD
I haven't been doing much since the holidays.. Since there's not much to do and I can't find a job. >_>
I have also adopted the idea of "Express My Thoughts" from Howard's and Eric's blog.. so yeh enjoy.
Express My Thoughts: Do you believe in reincarnation? I don't know.. What will you do if you lost contact with someone you love a long time ago? And saw someone who looks like her? If you believed in reincarnation.. Have you ever thought that might be her? :\ I dunno.. >_>
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Been a long time since I last posted.. anyway. Went to watch The Good , The Bad , The Weird with Qisheng Eric and Howard yesterday. Pretty good movie .. Action Comedy with slight gore. I rate it 7/10.. The weird is seriously weird can -.-
I also changed my link to this blog because I think that lon3lykiddyz.blogspot is too emo. -.- So I changed it to LifeILed.blogspot.com. Relink me if you must. :)
Oh yeah.. I also bought a black hat and a hoodie as well.. which costs $20 and $35 repsectively lol. Anyway I should be changing my skin soon.. Till then. :)