Friday, April 21, 2006
woots...todae woke up later den usual lol. Although scared late budden sleep until dam shuang LoL!! Whole day about gaming lors...wonder whats to me than gaming ? ..=p...No choice's in my blood.I have been gaming since primary 1,can stop mehx? =p....after school went to KFC n have lunch wib eric..met some sec 1..budden dam kp lar..act lyk whole KFC is their's lyk tt.So dam fuck up..went home after having maple n found out that Qi sheng,Shang geng,phong su,keegan n howard all online woots all ONLINE !! so shiok...we chat n play around mwahahs..keegan most cham 1...alwaes kena called chicken ! ..suey lar keegan =p....after that we decided to take screen shot..budden eric gotta go tution only 6 of us take lors..i got da screenshot later post rite below =p...den suddendly my comp down lar dunno why..den sudendly work again.Dunno wtf is wrong sia...when i online left qi sheng n shang geng liaos..nort long qi sheng oso offline larhs..shang geng is the longest player LoL..after that i went back to victoria island n train on Copper Drake.hey it's quite fast eh xD..50% liaos..i really really really muz chiong my maple n canot slack le ! cannot slack ! cannot slack !!... xD....had my dinner ard 10.15pm =p...more lyk supper huh...nothing much todae it's all about maple n maple, heh xD

Heres Da SS..Name List(left to right):Qisheng,howard,keegan,phong su,ME !,Shang geng..=p
Monday, April 17, 2006
Went to school early in da morning,as usual eh xD...Except tat todae slept later lors....during english lesson ar..muz redo my "If i become a famous celebrity" essay...yawnss...sian man chiong lyk siao...after tt when i finish is recess le...den juz remeber...need to do"The Cave" didn't go for recess...among all the pupils who stayed back.Me and howard were the only two that didn't finish we stayed back after school to complete the darn essay lors....After school eric came my house to borrow clothes so he can go lan...Diaosss......after lending him i went to bath lors..when come out of toilet i went to on my computer..but pratically i didn't touch it at all..i was reading Bleach book 7...This books juz gets more n more exciting..! It Rawks !! Yea !!..borrowing from eric book 8 tomorow...wah sian ar..cant eat fer 2 weeks straight !!! Muz save money to buy a new basketball shoe...after reading bleach went downstairs to play basketball wib yi hao until sweat so much =p.....after awhile rain again leix..3 days straight we go to basketball court den rain 1 lei..why so suay huh..? wads wrong wif da darn weather.?..we ran to yi hao's house although mine was nearer as his fren's bag was at his house..budden who cares lar..since already kena rain 3 days in a row..miracle sia..nv gort fever =p....we went to east point eat after his fwens went home..was lyk wa so fweakin good lor..cos he oso savin $ buyin same shoe as me...den his mom gib him $10 go eat !! wa laos..too bad my mom working T_T....after eating we hang around east point and chatted about some stuff...i went home around 5.45pm...chiong my maple until 8.00pm wanted to watch the show xD....67% onli lor...nothing much to blog lers..cya =p
Sunday, April 16, 2006
wah sians..early in the morning sms...haish..they duno i ytd 1.30pm den slp ar T_T....budden fun part is when yi hao came to my house bad fer him i think cos he haf to see me play maple xD...completed the moppie or w/e quest ler !!! Lol luckis...budden carnt lv45 lar..30% only..=/...went to play basketball budden no ppl leh...den went to Coffeshop to eat something...after eating we sit around the void deck n chat lor *confidential* =p......we went back to basketball court again lar..budden now gort a few of them is samuel de older bro,sean..we see them play match den suddendly rain wah sian diao...i tot will stop mah so wait around..den gort heavier...yawnss...went to my house again =_=...this time instead of maple i went to g-masters forums n learn how to make a sig eh..=p....tried many times..budden to no avail *sobs*....after i surf the web awhile yi hao gort sian so we went to east point to walk around...we went to sport link to see basketball shoes,jersey n the ball of cos =p....feel lyk buyin new slipper sia..mine so n yi hao deciding to save for 2 weeks to buy a basketball shoe..after tat buying another basketball pants or jersey =p....we walk out of east point n realise the rain nort as heavy so we ran to block 102 de basketball court n play in the rain...actually more of a trainin?....gort soaked budden nvm lors fun ani wae =p....i walk yi hao to the bus stop den went bck home..gort a bath...den relax xD....really really really hope tat i can buy the basketball shoe T_T...
Woots...4 days nv blog le..i think shiok lars xD...Went to LanShop to play around 11am den play until 2.45pm lyk tt went to have lunch with yi hao...then we went to basketball court and then played awhile lor...actually dun haf basketball de...den asked nasmer down so tat haf da ball to play n play..den bunch of pros came...wah liu..they all so good lor....den play match sia !!!.....during 6.30pm Phil ppl came...they really r good .....damn good...i went home around the time my maple panda already died ....haish...must waste $ to revive again !! really v shiok lor long time no play basketball until so late time instead of lan shop i rather go basketball caught huh xD...Okay bahs..tats all =]
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Woot 2dae nv went to skool...nort exactly nv go just tat i m late okay =p..duno wad to sae to teacher 2moro lols...aiya whole dae at home maple sians...ard in the mid afternoon gort a lil bored n plae o2 jam..gort a little ki siao wif identity part 2 lols i chiong Nx6 =p..nearly died budden heng nv nite chiong maple until Lv43 hope by end of tis week can be lv45 sia lols..logged off maple n dl bittorrent so tat i can dl my o2 jam songs faster budden who the fuck can understand tat's so blardy chim tat i gort so fucked up until i delete the whole thing...waste my fweaking space sia..
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
So freaking pissed todae...dunno why..i just feel moody...moody..moody...feel lyk phong su..sae wan join TKD...den after skool ask him follow me..he dunno run until go where..hum ji kia...knn 2moro confirm 1 whole lots of fucking lame reasons...budden who cares lar..juz went to TKD..learn white-yellow de pattern until step 18 liaos..2 more step to go zzz...den came bck home..went to bath den chiong my maple until Lv42...den dunno for wad fucking reasons my brother father was so damn angry..den i kena drag in oso wtf sia...for dinner my brother get to eat rice with fried chicken yet i was only left with porridge and CANNED FOOD....fuck lar i rather dun eat lor..den i gave the porridge to my father..since he liked porridge so much n has nth to eat..yet i kena scolding ?!?...fuck sia..he sa wad gort food eat just eat dun waste food..i heck care lar i dun wan eat lar....den he kpkb say wad i never do my dutys as a "older brother" yaya w/e brother dunno anything i must help ar?!? is nort he dunno is he lazy lor..cheebye...den out of 5 subjects my bro 4 subjects de homework all ask me..freakin 3 yrs ago de work i sometimes of course will forget de wad..den i dunno he say i dun wan to teach?Even if i freaking teach i oso dun think he will freakin understand...blardy arse...
Monday, April 10, 2006
Do you think funeral is common?!? No rite..Budden funerals are all over the place...My father's fwen juz passed wonder my fwen didn't came home this few daes n sleep..he didn't go to work as well...hope tat fwen of his will rest in peace...funerals....why are they so common during Qing Ming Jie?!?...We r here to offer offerings to them...but..why more of them are going over to the other side of the world?...Why ?!?....i don't really understand wth is going on...Enuff of all this...Speaking of today..kindda bored eh?...budden fun part is when yi hao came to my house =p...His grandmother gib him $38 arse...den he lent me $15 to buy maple prepaid card 1st yay !!! ...Finally gort my 2x Exp card..budden still haf to starve another week..hehe...during 5pm-6.30pm we went to block 102 to play basketball wib samuel shiok long nv plae basketball wib them le...finally gort the hang of it again mwahhas..reach home den pia my maple wib the 2x Exp card..lv41 sin T_T...budden 55% le...2moro make sure i muz lvl !!! hope tt by end of this week i can lvl up to Lv45 sia...i wanna lv 50 soon !!! xD
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Wa lao eh..why rain todae ?!? Of all god damn days why today ?!?...Today Qing Ming Jie..suppose to be 7.00am went out de..budden fweaking rain beacuse of that darn rain..i was nort allowed to go...who said beacuse of the rain i won't go ?!? Who said ?!?...So moody...Once in a year..i get to see my grandparents once in a year...yet that fweaking rain....oh blardy god ...>.<...I swear..i would have gone if i knew where is the exact location..budden my father just dun allow me beacuse it's god damn raining ?!?.....Curse the rain....And i m stuck at home mapling ! =_=....because i chiong since morning..i gained 2 lvls todae..Lv41 sin...thinking of it..i really wanted to see what my grandfather was like..beacause i have never ever seen him..ever since the day i was born..he was already passed away....i don't noe what to say fer today sia..really dam moody....
Saturday, April 08, 2006
wa sian man todae..dunno why 9am wake up liaos..actually wanted to sleep more de ...ZzZz...i mapled in the morning again ! >.<...Lv39-40% a guy suddendly invited me into his guild ?!? ...when i asked why..he told me because my hair which is metro is good? wtf ?!?...kindda lame guild...GodLight? never heard of it before..wanted to join eric's guild leh..budden expectations so high dammit !..near 4.40pm met howard at simei MRT den went to eric's house do IPW project.I hate it =_=...especially presentation....yawnzzz....budden mostly we slacked lols...near 7pm like that me and howard went to eat long john silver n slacked around TM b4 going home.Reach home lei..maple again lors..wadcha expect from a common mapler ? =.=...Finally lar..lv39-70% hopefully by mondae lv40 den pilfer n blue moon !! here i come mwahahs.Budden 2moro lei....>.<....sad dae sia...Qing Ming Jie or w/e...haf to go pai my grandfather n grandmother...>.<...ever since i was born...i never even seen my grandpa once..nort even once...i was told that he passed away 3 months before i was for my grandma..she passed away when i was primary 3...1st time ever shedded a tear for a relative..dammit...why does both of them have to pass away on "3" ?!? one 3 month another when i was primary 3 am i a fucking curse to them anot ?!?...>.<..If i didn't existed..would they live longer?...if yes..i rather dun exist...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Woots...paisehx paisehx nv blog fer few daes...haiyas...headache,stomache wad else can go wrong sia...worried about failing my TKD grading chiong maple..time nort enuff lars ! >.<....really pissed off these few daes..nort in good mood yet some ppl still so kp...espicially 2N2 tt cheebye kia...2 fattys >.<...yawnss wonder y my maple alwaes chiong so slow ! Current Timing Now(6.50pm-Dunno abt urs budden mine is surely this time =p)My Training Schedule From 7.00pm to 8.00pm den by sundae get my 2x Experince Card ! Den can chiong 30 days !! hope can lv 45-50 by den huh...nort really much to blog n howard they all chionging maple lyk siao everidae...Howard-Lv23 Mage(IGN:purag0d)Eric-Lv76 Hermit(IGN:Lightsurge)-Mage(IGN:puraang3l)Qi Sheng-Lv23 Rogue Aka Thief(IGN:axronsam)Phong Su-Lv13Rogue Aka Thief(IGN:rume634..Should be nort really sure) as for me..WJ-Lv38 Sin(IGN:PickyPicky..Going lv 39 le mwahhas) nxt time =]
Sunday, April 02, 2006
My god,today taekwondo grading dae ! nervous >.<...Hope i dun fail ars...cos the judge ask me go infront..den he talked to me about something...>.<..haizz...after TKD grading went to howard house downstairs there plae comp..after a hour or two..den yi hao arrived all of us chionged maple..howard mage finally lv21 le ! 2moro ! Do pq arhs..lols..I trained a archer lv 13,Mage lv13,Sin lv38(18% So hard to train >.<)Haizz tts all lors..chong ,maple maple maple maple...wanna buy 2x Exp Card !!!!!!i demand ! xD